
Air Distribution in Schools in North and South Carolina

Hahn-Mason Air Systems offers a full range of air distribution equipment to meet the IAQ requirement in classrooms. The solutions range from the most common air recirculation systems to more complex one-pass designs.

Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers

Traditional overhead ventilation systems are designed to condition the space by fully mixing the supply and return air. When properly designed, these systems can properly mix the air in the space and limit contamination between occupants.

The room grilles, registers, and diffusers control the system performance in the occupied space. The performance and placement of each supply and return must be carefully considered. Recent studies have proven the proper placement of the supplies and returns can limit contamination between occupants throughout the space. These studies are proving that to ensure contamination control, the number and placement of returns is just as critical as the supplies, and must be carefully considered.

Learn more about grilles, registers, and diffusers

Underfloor Air Distribution

An underfloor air distribution design has the advantage of providing conditioning air in a ‘one pass’ method. The system air is injected into the room from the floor. As the air passes through the occupied zone, it picks up any contaminants, cools the room air, and continues to rise to the return zone near the ceiling. There is no cross contamination between occupants.

The underfloor air distribution method takes advantage of the density change in air as it gets warmer. The design concept is to mix the air in the space rapidly, to reduce any cold zones. The amount of supply air is the same as an overhead system, but can be delivered at a lower temperature. Only the air in the occupied zone is being treated.

The performance and placement of the supplies is critical in these systems. The supply air must quickly mix with the room air to prevent occupants from feeling drafts. Since the supplies are located on the floor, construction and durability become critical considerations.

Learn more about underfloor air distribution

Displacement Ventilation

Displacement ventilation introduces air into the space from low on the walls. Air is injected into the space at low speed. The air then travels across the floor until it encounters occupants or equipment. The cool air is heated by occupants and heat sources in the space. The warmer air rises around the occupants, continuing its upward motion, and collecting above the occupied zone. No inter-occupant air mixing occurs.

The performance of these systems is nearly undetectable to the occupant. There are many different supply methods for these systems. The equipment can be located in the space in a corner or out of sight behind a partition.

Learn more about displacement ventilation

Contact Hahn Mason Today

For more information on air distribution in schools, contact Hahn Mason today by calling (704)-523-5000. We have 9 offices conveniently located in Raleigh, Charlotte, Asheville, Hickory, Eastern NC, Greensboro, Greenville, Charleston, and Columbia.

phone number.